Meet my beautiful Momma.
I miss her every single day. She was my best friend, protector, and cheerleader.
She also made me sit at the table and clean my plate. She made awful food sometimes, like sausage in orange jello. It was HORRIBLE. I can still smell the stink. My brothers loved it. They’re weird.
She canned a lot of veggies, made jam, and dyed our pears weird colors so we would eat them.
We ate ketchup on pretty much everything. She said it was because she couldn’t cook, but I think I ate it because everyone else did. If my ketchup stash gets low, I get a little panicky.
Do you have food from your life that brings back memories and feelings? I sure do. My dad would cook us breakfast on Sunday mornings, and he would sing while he did it.
My husband cooks for you if he loves you. It’s 100% why I’m so skinnny, lol.
For Christmas one year, after my momma passed away, I took all of my momma’s hand written recipes, scanned them in to my computer, and made recipe books for my family. I thought maybe you’d like to see them too.
They’re in no particular order, just as they fit on the pages. Maybe you’ll even make some of them! That would make my momma and me very happy.
****DISCLAIMER**** Some of the recipes are not totally complete, and might just be a little sketchy, lol.
Also apparently we really like snacky snack foods. Don’t judge, lol.

I’m assuming this goes in the ready made graham cracker crust? It’s like she left me a treasure map to decipher….

Sketchy Sketchy Sketchy…

I’ma head to the grocery store…. I’ll be back inna bit.

My dad HATED onions. He called ’em skunk eggs!

Um…… ew?

Who the heck is Jan???

Best. Rolls. Ever.
Eat ’em straight out of the oven with more butter.
And home-made strawberry jam. I’m drooling.

This must be really good if she wrote it down in the middle of church, lol.
Any ideas on the 130% hashbrowns though?

I seriously didnt know you could make your own starter.
I thought you had to get some from somebody else. SMH.

Definitely make these! SO GOOD!

What is this even for??????

Also make these.
And you’re gonna need some milk.

***** Don’t feed this to Brandan. He’s allergic.
Not really tho, he just doen’t like it. *****

I’m not sure how I feel about this one.

Bret hates raisins. He calls them bunny-berries.

Also, make these. Right now.
You won’t regret it! Make that orange frosting!!!

This one will change your LIFE!!!! If you’re sick, or it’s cold outside, this will fix you right up! I like to keep the remainder in the fridge, and then heat it up when I need another glass. SO good!
Also, you should play yahtzee tonight.

Drewbie!!!!! This one is for you.

This is a family favorite! It’s addicting, you better double it.

Nanny????? This one is on you, lol.

SOOOOOOO Good!!!!!

I recommend skipping breakfast and eating these with a glass of milk in each hand. Super yummy!

Yes please.

This is a huge familty tradition at Christmas time. It’s SO GOOD!!! It tastes better the older it gets. MUST eat with a slice of cheddar cheese. I have no idea why, just do it anyway.
This one is for you BG!

I feel like if I were a recipe, this one would be me. 4 hours or overnight….. very indecisive, lol. Also gobs. That’s me in a sentence, lol.

Tell your family that this is made with hidden vegetables,
then you don’t have to share. You’re welcome.

Mrs. Fergus would always bake me a tiny loaf of this cake everytime she would make it. Just leave me a loaf on my porch when you’re done baking, please and thank you. This stuff is the real deal!

Make these too. You can study my brother Blair’s spelling list while you snack on ’em.

BEST banana bread recipe EVER!

Someone used to pick the chocolate off the cookies and toss the cookies in the trash. It’s me, I’m someone.

My momma’s favorite.

Helpful info:
I used 1 SMALL package of orange jello
it made 10 half pints of jam
Make this, and hide it from your family too……
That is the end of the recipe book that I made for my family. I still have more recipes to add! Be sure to check back for more as I gather them.

My favorite!!!!!

Friends. I found another little gem.
This recipe book has a piece of formica for the front and back. It was made as a fundraiser to build a new church house. It is filled with some really awesome (?) recipes.
Take a minute and peruse these edible wonders, and other bits of knowledge stuffed between the pages……….

There’s gotta be some water in that rice somewhere………

What the…? No wonder people were so skinny at this time in history. I wouldn’t have eaten either.

Toss the carrots…. they taste like dirty pennies.


Okay, this is just cute…….

15-20….. Barbies???? Fairies??? I’m not very good at math, but…..

****This one!****