This is my family. I’d love to tell you a little about each one. I hope that you look at this drawing a little differently after you meet them.

Mallori is my youngest. She’s the one on the left. Mal is tall, she had to be to have a place big enough to hold her heart. She loves music, and she is a master selfie taker. She loves anything to do with makeup and hair styling.

Nikson is Mimi’s boy. He’s my oldest granchild, and is super smart. He LOVES anything that about technology and/or is educational. The tablet in his hand happens to look like the tablet he keeps at my house. His favorite thing about himself is his mullet. It’s for sure a family trait, lol. Thanks Uncle Bart! Also, you better not mess with his sisters.

Oaklyn is the youngest of my grandbabies. She is all about lollipops. She LOVES them! She has a doctor kit that we play with when she’s at our house, and we have so much fun! She always looks into  my ears and tells me that there’s a variety of cats in there, lol. I don’t love cats. It sorta freaks me out. She gives really good cuddles.

Landyn is the classic big sister (just like her Mom). She “Mimi-sits me”, and has her bossy pants on most days. She’s Mal’s mini, and loves all the things that Mallori does. Hair, makeup, perfume, etc.  She’s in a pig phase right now, and carries one with her wherever she goes. She also wears red rubber boots more days than not. She loves her family.

Koda is my introvert. An artistic soul. If it looks at all like a craft product of any sort, they probably have one, lol. If it’s black and has mystical properties it should also have a home with us. Another kiddo with a heart too big to share in the open, this one is a little harder to get to know. A fierce protector, and a dreamer.

Morgan The OG big sister. She can’t stand her siblings, and loves them to death. She’s a momma bear, and a little crazy, lol. Just ask her! Also a lover of hair and make up, clothes and SHOES!  She says she is gonna take care of me when I get too old to take care of my own self. Isn’t that the sweetest? (SEND HELP!)

Now, please go back and look at that drawing again. 

Now can you see what I see? I captured a moment in time. Tomorrow things may change. Hair color, traits, or interests might be different. Today, at this moment, these are the things I want to remember and a time I never want to forget. This drawing will give me all the feels and memories associated with each of the people that I love so dearly every time that I look at it.

I would really love to have the opportunity to do that for you.

This is my friend Christine’s family.

She sent me photos, and told me about her sweet parents, brother, and sisters.

I really hope that her drawing will always remind her of the special day that the photos she sent me were taken.

I just love getting to know the people that I draw, and trying to find a way to show their personalities.

This is my friend Stacy’s family.

Here’s what she had to say about herself and her cute boys.

Michael: is graduating in 2 weeks.  He loves baseball and our puppy, Wrigley. 

Murray:  is a sophomore and loves welding, lawncare, earning money and old trucks.  

Me: I love coffee and my boys.  

Meet my neices and nephews!

Here’s what my neice Paige had to say about her family:

Ruby: Ruby Jean is our flower child. She always finds beauty wherever we are, whether it’s crystals, rocks, flowers, or little bits of trash-turned-treasure, she has such a vibrant imagination, and bravery to match!

Wyatt: Wyatt is the life of the party and always down for anything! He loves every sport, reading books, and adventures when his dad, grandpas, and uncles take him hunting or fishing. He is a patient and kind older brother, and has so much joy and enthusiasm for every part of this life!

Sophie: Sophie Ella thrives at being adored by her older brother and sister. They are her whole world as long as they are playing with them and has a chickken in hand, life is complete. She is the most easy going kid, down for whatever, and has zero fear. She thrives playing make believe, loves dress ups, and her dog and chickens! In her mind, there’s nothing that she can’t do.

Kyle and Paige: Kyle and Paige (mom and dad) laugh our way through the good and the bad, but mostly have the best time enjoying this life that we have made together! We love the outdoors, playing with our kids and exploring. We fell in love in kindergarten at Greenwood Elementary, where we played kissing tag and planned out our future- and while it didn’t all go quite according to plan, it’s been a magical 11 years of marraige and creating our beautiful family.

Meet my neice Ally’s family!

Here’s what she shared with me:

Addie– is 6 going on 16. Sassy, brilliant, headstrong and such a good friend to all. You’ll Almost always find her throwing up a peace sign for pictures or showing off her new missing tooth with her big smile. Loves pandas, drawing, anything cheetah print, and doting over her little brother (who she treats like her own live baby doll)

Quin– since day one she has done things on her terms. We’ve always joked that she thinks she’s too cool for us, and that’s probably true. She keeps us all laughing with her goofy personality. She’ll most likely be wearing a princess to all events. Loves anything girly and always has a purse or backpack full of random household objects she deems her toys for the day. (If I’m ever missing my Apple Watch or a kitchen utensil it’s most likely in a bag that she’s packed)

Sully– our sweet, fiery, goofball caboose. He has surprised us all with his red hair and crazy (but cute) personality. He runs our house and is always making us laugh. But no one can make him smile and giggle like Addie can. This little guy is energetic, oh so destructive, and just wants to be a part of every conversation. He looooves balls and emptying cupboards and drawers all day long. He’s constantly tackling and terrorizing the girls but don’t let them convince you that they don’t love it. I prayed that at least one of my kids would have freckles like me, and God gave me a red head to secure that dream of mine lol. He’s starting to get faint freckles on his cheeks and nose and I’m obsessed.

Chandler and Ally– while this phase of life seems to be kicking our butts, we wouldn’t trade it for anything. We love to travel together both as a couple and a family. We are truly best friends and are almost always teasing each other. Chandler excels in his work and is the smartest person I know. He has the biggest heart and absolutely adores playing with the kids (but the girls have him wrapped around their fingers) As for me, I love to read, bake bread, and do puzzles (which makes for a terrible hobby with kids who like to hide puzzle pieces) I love being outside, doing crafts with my kids, and every once and a while make cute cakes for friends and family.