To download my Media Kit, CLICK HERE

A new interview….
I was interviewed about my Etsy shop!!!
If you’d like to read about it, here’s the link:

I am BEYOND excited! I am so blessed to announce that I had the opportunity to be a part of a podcast. When Monica approached me with the idea, I was floored. Honestly, I don’t think I’m that interesting, lol. Thank heavens a podcast hides the fact that I hadn’t had a chance to shower, and was still in my pajamas at noon, lol.
Monica was very kind, and guided me through the process, and I’m so thankful!
If you’d like to listen, and learn more about me, and Melonheadz, CLICK HERE. Be sure to follow her on your favorite podcast spots, and all of your social media! She is AMAZING!
There is a link for a little FREEBIE from me there too.
BIG hugs!!! xox
“The Backbone of America” Small Business Podcast

If you’d like to listen to the episode that I’m on
Salt Lake Family Christmas gift show
I was able to get an Artist in Action booth at the gift show. It was so much fun to meet people and find some new ways that Melonheadz can blossom and grow. Here are some pictures of my booth!

And of course my girl Lucy Doris had to make an appearance!

My main man Mike did some wood burning on some ornaments and spatulas for me. I love that feller!

Oriental Trading Blog

Thanks to my friend Mr. Chad Boender (Super Awesome Cool Teacher Guy),
Click here to meet Chad 🙂
My graphics have been seen on the Oriental Trading Blog.
I know right? A.Maz.Ing.
Click here to see the blog post!
He’s used my graphics in several posts, and I am so very grateful.
And so very excited!!!
Thanks so much, Chad, you’re the best!
TPT Conference 2014

In 2014, I was invited to be a presenter at TPT’s Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. What an honor. I was scared to death, lol.
TPT has changed my life. It has enabled me to live my dream. I get to work from home and be with my family. It’s truly all I have ever wanted. I’ll NEVER be able to thank them enough. You can read more about TPT by
Here’s a bit of what I did there:

TPT 2015

Teacher Blab Show